The Romans believed the sound of bells kept evil spirits away. The same is true for the Chinese who hung them on the corners of the pagodas and temples to frighten away birds as well as evil spirits and attract benevolent ones. Today the Chinese believe wind chimes connect people to nature and themselves to bring greater awareness and to live in the moment.

In many parts of Asia, wind chimes are thought to bring good luck and are used in Feng Shui, the arrangement of objects to achieve harmony and peace in a home or garden. Many teachings of Feng Shui say that wind chimes cure negative energies, provide protection and bring calm and balance to people.

By observing a wind chime, you can see the changes in the wind’s direction and strength, as well as signals for oncoming storms. This made them an effective tool for sailors, loggers and farmers. Farmers also use wind chimes in their fields to scare away birds and other pests.

Whatever reason draws you to the sound of wind chimes, we have a wide ranging selection and surely you will find one that fits your style or is perfect for a gift.