Most of our fruit trees arrive in late winter, bare-root (without soil).We pot them and then place them in a covered hoop house. They cannot be moved around or jiggled until their roots have developed. Lots of disruption means the tender, newly-formed roots can be broken. For these reasons, this area is not open to the public. Once the roots are developed, the trees will be moved to the fruit tree area of the nursery. That happens sometime between late-June and mid-July. The timing is difficult to pinpoint because of weather and the individual growth rate of plants.
What happens in the meantime? You can order a fruit tree, pay for it, and we will tag it for you. It is not possible for you to pick our your own. When the roots are ready, we will call you. You can order over the phone, or inside the Garden Center.
What if you absolutely need one today? We have a handful of assorted fruit trees that we over-wintered from last years crop (please call us 207.839.4262 for varieties). We also have espalier apple trees and espalier pear trees that are potted and ready to go. Espalier trees are trained to look like a fence and because there’s more than one variety on each tree, the cross pollination is covered in one plant. We also have some caliper-sized fruit trees, if interested give us a call (207.839.4262). Inventory changes so fast!
Happy Planting!